
Showing posts from July, 2017

Heading West

 Finally I was able to leave.     The 8 weeks of what I thought of at the time as "the moving and  storage fiasco," were actually a blessing in disguise. I was angry and disappointed that no one helped me pack and move my things to storage, after all I weigh only 104 pounds, yet when all was said and done, I grew  huge muscles.  I grew confidence on top of the confidence I already had. I grew independence on top of the independence I already had. All to prepare me for my future.  I piled more than I needed in the Tardis and made a mad 3 hour dash south, from New England to my sister's for a few days of rest. We spread our other sister's ashes in our home town and all I could think of was.... Colorado. Tall mountains. Hot springs. Healing. Rest.    The Tardis flew through the midwest with only one stop by the handsom cop in Greenwich Ohio. He was nosey to find out what Conestoga type vehicle was driving through his town late at ni...

Ok to Go


Ok to Go


A New Beginning

Everything is finally coming together and I am almost ready for the expedition to begin.  I am getting all my ducks in a row and I will be packing the Element tomorrow. We had wind and big thunderstorms this afternoon and then rain throughout the evening. It put a damper on loading up today. I have a few details to take care tomorrow and packing and securing everything for the highway will take some time. I am exhausted beyond words. I can't wait to spend the night in the Element! I have work to do getting this blog together and videos to edit. Now I will have time to write. I can be a nomad, live the gypsy life that is in my blood. I can explore and have adventures. Finally! I am done with the house and packing. Done with that life that I didn't want anymore. Done with all that was so physically, mentally and emotionally hard. Done with being involved with people. Done with the frustrating crazy making. I am free. I can see my son soon. I love thinking of the Element....

Element oil change and tires rotated

Thanks Barry at Bennington Suburu service department for the fine service! You guys rock.

Hidden Hitch!

Looking good! Thanks to the people at the element Owners Club telling me about the hidden hitch. I love how it doesn't stick out at all.

Hitch Install

Gavin squeezed me in for an appointment. I am so busy packing and moving out of the house that I kept forgetting to make an appointment. Thanks to the guys at GWC!

Testing Poweradd

   I did buy this at Amazon after lots of research. I love it. Hanging it on the sliding door handle and charging my Soldier rugged power bank. Seems to continue charging even if a cloud goes by. This issue was reported with other foldable portable panels. Will see with continued testing and usage.

What solar panel did I get?

Poweradd 50 Watt Portable Solar Panel I don't buy very many items on line or in stores. I have enough stuff. But when I do, it is something I really need. For my trip I bought a portable, foldable solar panel. I have wanted one for years and I believe I got the one best suited for my needs. I waited to purchase one, as I was financially in the hole and didn't need one right away. I could not justify the expense. I also knew the technology would improve and the prices would come down. I did buy this at Amazon.  I am making a short video to show it up close. It looks to be well made and I tested it by charging a portable bluetooth speaker. Everything works. I like all the adaptors. My Criteria I wanted a solar panel that had adaptors. USB and DC connections. I didn't want one that was attached to my vehicle. I wanted one that I can take where ever I go so that I can charge my batteries the sun and leave my Element in the shade. The price had to fit my bud...

Old Coleman

Yesterday I started to clean up the old stove

Air vent - Passenger side

Noticed this today...

Hauling and Packing

I have taken so much to storage all by myself in my little Tardis...