Heading West
Finally I was able to leave. The 8 weeks of what I thought of at the time as "the moving and storage fiasco," were actually a blessing in disguise. I was angry and disappointed that no one helped me pack and move my things to storage, after all I weigh only 104 pounds, yet when all was said and done, I grew huge muscles. I grew confidence on top of the confidence I already had. I grew independence on top of the independence I already had. All to prepare me for my future. I piled more than I needed in the Tardis and made a mad 3 hour dash south, from New England to my sister's for a few days of rest. We spread our other sister's ashes in our home town and all I could think of was.... Colorado. Tall mountains. Hot springs. Healing. Rest. The Tardis flew through the midwest with only one stop by the handsom cop in Greenwich Ohio. He was nosey to find out what Conestoga type vehicle was driving through his town late at ni...